Jesus knew he was going to be ascended into heaven but he didn't really care so he went to a quiet place and prayed. After a few hours or minutes soldiers came and carried him into a carriage. Then the next day he had to carry a big cross up to a big hill. It took him forever to do that. Once he carried it for ages, they put a spiky crown on him on his forehead which hurt him. That's when he started to bleed a lot, so that’s when a woman came and wiped his forehead. Then he kept on carrying the cross but there was a man that was whipping him with a rope. Once he made it, he climbed on a wooden step and went into sort of like a cross pose. Then he got nailed by the soldiers and blood started to rush down. Once they were finished he stayed like that until the soldiers knew he was dead. Then he got carried into a tomb and women bought nice smelling perfume.