Friday, December 6, 2019

black ferns

                                                               Hi every one
this is my black ferns rugby team poster.I cannot believe that they won by  the USA and that america even played rugby

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Post about Lorde

                                                                Hi everyone,
This is my post about Lorde.Hopefully if you are on this activity this will give you an idea of Lorde.

The story behind Donald Trump

This is my post about Donald Trump.Donald Trump might look like a harmless guy but the story behind him is horrible!

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Places that give me Joy

From the past two weeks me and my class have been working on using a special effect for photos.
Our teachers Miss vk and Miss paton took photographs of us outside.The website that we used was hope you like my photo album.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Trelia's post of Peace and Joy


For  the past few weeks we have been doing a poster of Peace and Joy and learning what kind of places you enjoy to go to and also words that show peace and joy.
By Trelia

Monday, September 2, 2019

If I was able to have 1 rule for Earth

                                       My class and I have been doing a poster of if we had 1 rule to change the earth to make it a better place. If I had a wish it would be to have no plastic in the world. Hope you enjoy my poster about having no plastic in the world. Hopefully my rule actually comes true and there will be no plastic in the world.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Planet Study By Trelia

Over these last two weeks we have been learning about the planets during Digital Learning Time. It has been enjoyable exploring the special features that Google slides have. I have been able to play with the background layout to create impressive slides. I hope you can learn something about space.   

Monday, August 5, 2019

Fairness and Justice word art

    Today I created a word art of a photo of me and this word art was inspired by The words Fairness

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

share word cloud

Today I made a word art cloud that is inspired by the word share.

Create word cloud

Today I created a word art cloud which is inspired by the word create.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Learn word cloud

Last week we learnt how to use the word cloud website which is called word monday we brainstormed our learning model means.We came up with lots of words that meant the same as learn.Here is my word cloud

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Love and Service

This term our value we have been focusing on was Love and service. Love and Service is seeing a need and responding and it means to help others and help others when they are stuck or lost.

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

My Papa

My Papa is strong and is cool. He loves me and always looks after me. He is a fantastic gardener and he has heaps of lovely flowers outside. He gives me and my cousins food and ice cream to eat. He gives me heaps of things but most important he loves and cares for me and my cousins. He is also a good builder and he gives us wood so maybe we can build something out of it. My Papa is a strong knight but he is a special kind. He is a loving, caring, fair knight and I am most lucky to have a Papa like him. 

       My class and I have been learning about unsung heroes and people who have made a                                                                             difference in our life. 

Friday, June 21, 2019

All about me

Talofa lava, Malo e lelei. My name is Trelia. I have one Dad that is at home. He likes to clean the house. I have one Mum that goes to work 5 days a week. I go to Christ the King Catholic School and I have heaps of friends but only two best friends. I am proud of representing two countries which is Tonga and Samoa! I am interested in PE at school and my passion is to find a sport that I really want to join. My favourite things to do at home is to watch Netflix and YouTube.